WSM TALK – Investing on the future: new sustainable business models
WSM TALK – Digital product passport. The evolution of the fashion system, with consumers in mind
WSM TALK – Contro i percorsi di acquisto lineari. L’evoluzione del costumer journey e della relazione tra brand e cliente
WSM TALK – Tecnologie a supporto della sostenibilità. L’innovazione nella moda che lascia il segno
WSM TALK – Greenwashing: individuare, evitare, prevenire l’ecologismo di facciata
WSM TALK – The dress of a lifetime: stop wasting and reconnect yourself with your wardrobe
WSM TALK – Il futuro della moda fra sfide globali, politiche europee e impegno locale
WSM TALK – The role of social fashion
WSM TALK – Sustainable development goal: building a sustainable fashion supply chain
WSM TALK – Smart materials e nuove soluzioni per la moda
WSM TALK – Sustainable creativity in the WEB3 era
WSM TALK – The life and death of a garment
WSM TALK – Beyond the borders: rgenerative agriculture at the service of fashion
WSM TALK – An Eye on the Future. Aprire la mente al cambiamento, la prospettiva delle nuove generazioni